

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem Workshop

Building own venture as change-maker from idea generation through design thinking to the enterprise. OnlineWorkshop Edition 2.0! The participants shall receive hands-on training on social entrepreneurship and start-up co-creation with focuses on synthesizing and designing ideas for social good; tools necessary to successfully start-up, manage and scale up innovative for sustainable businesses; concepts for raising […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

Available funding: DAAD scholarship – EPOS

Application open for scholarships in integrated urbanism! EPOS scholarships by DAAD for the 2022 MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design programme are open for application now! This interdisciplinary double-degree links perspectives from the South and North by studying the first year at University of Stuttgart, Germany, and the second year at Ain Shams University in […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

Call for applications: SDG Fellowships and Argelander Scholarships for Doctoral Students at Universities in the Global South

The expansion of global collaborations to advance the University of Bonn’s profile is an important part of its Excellence Strategy. Central goals in this context are the systematic, continuing development of strategic partnerships (e.g. Networks 4/ “Global Competence Centers”) and targeted funding of cooperation agreements with universities in Africa, Latin America, and South (East) Asia […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

Call for Application for the Master of Public Management at the University of Potsdam

The EAPAA accredited and internationally recognized MPM Program is a science-based and practice-oriented mid-career program that aims to equip young and mid-career professionals with a new understanding of public service issues. Public administration requires decision-makers with interdisciplinary management and problem-solving skills. MPM students study in an international setting and are taught by a highly recognized […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

AGEP online autumn meeting of study program coordinators

The second semi-annual meeting 2020 of the 40 study program coordinators of the AGEP network took place as an online video conference on the 27th November 2020 and was hosted by the network coordination, Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics, TH Köln. Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions, the learning […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

The AGEP-Network Alumni Group

Since years the Alumniportal-Deutschland ( is the networking-space for Alumni of German study programmes. Recently, the webpage has been redesigned and is now available to facilitate a smooth start for Alumni and Student’s in their last years from the University-environment into the Job-world. If you are seeking for Jobs in your field of interest, would […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

Pre-Registration Open: New MOOC

Nature offers many solutions to reduce the impacts of disasters and climate change, such as protecting forests on steep slopes, maintaining sand dunes along coastline and wetlands to buffer excess rainwater. In this free-of-charge* Massive Open Online Course, find out how people around the world are building resilience to disasters and climate change impacts through […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein

Stellenausschreibung / Job Offer (Description in German language)

Liebe AGEP-Alumni, die UNESCO-Kommission in Berlin hat ab Februar 2021 eine befristete Stelle anzubieten: „Referent*in im Bereich pädagogische Seminarbegleitung für den internationalen Freiwilligendienst kulturweit (m/w/x), 75 % TVöD E 11“ Haben Sie ein pädagogisches Studium abgeschlossen oder Erfahrungen in einem päda- gogischen Beruf gesammelt? Setzen Sie sich für diskriminierungssensible Bildungspro- zesse ein und haben Lust […]

By Ricarda Bruder | Allgemein