The AGEP-Network Alumni Group
Since years the Alumniportal-Deutschland (https://www.alumniportal-deutschland.org/) is the networking-space for Alumni of German study programmes.
Recently, the webpage has been redesigned and is now available to facilitate a smooth start for Alumni and Student’s in their last years from the University-environment into the Job-world.
If you are seeking for Jobs in your field of interest, would like to get advice from experienced Alumni during Alumni-Talks or from experienced Career-Coaches during free-of charge seminars or if you just want to stay connected to your former colleagues from University, the AGEP-Network Group is there for you.
- First you need to register to the Alumniportal Deutschland.
- Then you need to search for: The AGEP – Network under Groups and simply join.
A welcome gift from the German development magazine D+C („Development and Cooperation“) is waiting for you already !
We are glad to meet you there !
Your AGEP Network Team