AGEP online autumn meeting of study program coordinators
The second semi-annual meeting 2020 of the 40 study program coordinators of the AGEP network took place as an online video conference on the 27th November 2020 and was hosted by the network coordination, Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics, TH Köln. Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions, the learning program of the AGEP Network has been conducted fully online during the year and the feedback of the students and the lecturers revealed that it was a full success. Even if some online courses are still ongoing, the planning of the Online Learning Program for the year 2021/2022 has already started. The coordinators and DAAD are and will be continuously in exchange, helping each other with creativity, collaboration and innovation and empowering our students so they can focus on starting, continuing or finalizing their study purpose.