Call for applications: SDG Fellowships and Argelander Scholarships for Doctoral Students at Universities in the Global South
The expansion of global collaborations to advance the University of Bonn’s profile is an important part of its Excellence Strategy. Central goals in this context are the systematic, continuing development of strategic partnerships (e.g. Networks 4/ “Global Competence Centers”) and targeted funding of cooperation agreements with universities in Africa, Latin America, and South (East) Asia (e.g. Impact 3/ “Cooperation in the Global south”).
To meet those goals, we are offering funding lines to support the internationalization of Bonn’s researchers across all disciplines. The main aim of the funding is to promote the internationalization of high-profile research areas (transdisciplinary research areas). Selections are made by a selection committee headed by the Vice Rector for International Affairs. Each funding line has a different target group and scope.
Bonn SDG Fellowships
Objective: Individual funding
Brief description: Invitation of scholars preferably from Africa, Latin America, and South/ East) Asia for research on Sustainable Development Goals-related topics (for periods of 3–12 months).
Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates from universities in the Global South
Objective: Individual funding
Brief description: Research stays in Bonn (3–12 months) for doctoral candidates at universitites preferably in Africa, Latin America, and South (East) Asia.
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