Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes
Online course: “Guiding principles of forest landscape restoration (FLR) based on
definition by IUCN” and insides into GIZ-Forests4Future, Joerg Lohmann, Advisor, GIZ-Forests4Future,14.January 2025, 10 to 12am, date to be determined
Business Model Development for International Students
This course support students to evaluate research results and business ideas developed before and during the studies in Germany, if there could be a transferred into start-up project.
Mainly Participants with their own business ideas are welcome.
Critical Sustainability
The integrated course is a common course for students of all disciplines. It conveys the theoretical foundations of the term sustainability as well as the interrelationships between technology, nature, the individual, society and democracy. Through the interactive design, the participants question and discuss the knowledge imparted. There is an exchange about different aspects of sustainability related to the different disciplines of the participants
Sustainability of Renewable Energies
In order to understand the complex transformation processes of our current energy supply system towards a more sustainable one we have to consider implications that go far beyond the technological arena. Effects of the COVI-19 pandemic are shifting the focus to integral mobility planning, home working and mobility avoidance. The transition from a predominantly fossil-fuelled combustion-engine and individual passenger based mobility system towards a more diversified and electric one will be analysed.
Terrorism & Political Violence
The course will offer detailed analysis of the problems and key debates in terrorism research. It will focus on issues of conceptualization, historical development and theoretical explanations.
Disaster Management & Humanitarian Response
This lecture will provide better understanding of civil protection mechanisms and humanitarian response; operational coordination of disaster management and humanitarian response;
Risk Management in the context of Climate Change
The lecture will introduce important international policy making processes and frameworks (UNFCCC, Sendai, SDGs, G7, G20 etc.) and the way these address and drive key issues in the context of climate change risk management.
Introduction to Social Protection: A Systems Approach to Universal Social Protection
The key objective of the course is to introduce concepts of social protection and relates it to international conventions and their reflection in the national legislation