Actors in Development Cooperation

The course engages with Sustainable Devel-opment Goals (SDGs), particularly the implications of SDG 16 (“Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”) and SDG 17 (“Partnerships for the Goals”) for international development actors.

31. May 2021
31 May 2021 - 11 June 2021 (block course), 09:00 – 15:00

This first part of the module ‘Development Cooperation: International Actors and Roles’ links the developmental discourse to the global level of governance, the international relations and the relevance of multilateral actors in terms of their institutional arrangements, policies and motives.

The second part of the module explores ‘Domestic Public Sector Management’. The definition of the public sector can be linked back to key schools of thought in development thinking and the role of different development actors. While the modernisation theory put the state at the centre of development, the rise of neoliberal approaches shaped a different understanding of the public sector. However, in practice, diverse experiences in public sector management on the ground reveal the shortcomings of neoliberalism.

Lecturers: Prof. Christopher Tapscott and Dr. Gedion Onyango

Find more information in the pdf course description