Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Territories.

NOVEMBER 24 – DECEMBER 15 (2021)


The seminar introduces the participants to nature-based solutions for developing

projects and strategies in urban areas. Through the analysis of case studies, they will

learn to identify challenges and opportunities in different areas around the world,

recognize the importance of a sound urban sustainability strategy, and develop

capacity for the development of urban nature-based solutions.

It will take place on Teachable, an online platform (LMS), and Zoom. Participants

will go through one introduction module and six content modules.

The training will be developed through the case studies analysis and/or

project-based learning methodology (depending on each working group) since at

the beginning of the training, working groups will be created and assigned a case

study or project with the objective of applying what they have learnt during the


APPLY HERE :-  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkpBfwSv2ylQXVx-kzeuefiIlTXHmsi5YqO2Uw5soS6h0c5Q/viewform