Moving Pictures Training
The University of Bonn and the United Nations University are happy to announce the “Moving Pictures Training”. The training is being conducted by Deutsche Welle, Bonn. Students can
• discover and develop visual media skills
• present their study programme
• reflect on the importance of the course in the context of sustainable development, global inequality, migration etc.
• learn about storytelling
• meet students from other programmes and expand their network
The aim of the Workshop is to showcase the study programmes through the eyes of our students.
The training consists of
1. individual shooting of moments within your program. Preparation phase (October/November)
2. the training phase in Bonn, face-to-face workshop (13-16 November)
3. a post production phase (December)
For more information check the pdf: 20200702_EPOS_Bewegtbild_CFA_updated
Registration will be done by the AGEP course coordinator. Deadline: 20.8.2020.
Link: https://epos-bewegtbild.questionpro.eu/
Few places are still available. The workshop is free of charge.
For more details: Aline Dobrea – dobrea@ehs.unu.edu