Karen Hattenbach
Education Programme Manager at United Nations University in Bonn
Karen Hattenbach acts as focal point for education and capacity building activities at the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University in Bonn, Germany. With the Joint Master programme she supervises, Karen Hattenbach joined the AGEP Network in 2015 and became Network Speaker in 2018.
Karen Hattenbach acts as focal point for education and capacity building activities at the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University in Bonn, Germany. Supported by a small dedicated team she overlooks and manages all processes related to the marketing, admission, study and quality management of the joint Master of Science Programme in Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security with the Department of Geography of the Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn. She also develops and facilitates career related workshops and takes care of the Alumni relations.
Karen Hattenbach holds diplomas in Business Administration and Hospitality Management. She has extensive professional experience in international Events- and Education Programme Management, Public and Private Sector Relations and Career Services. She has lived and worked for 20 years in France and for a shorter stint in the UK and in Belgium. She joint UNU-EHS in 2014 where she leverages on her experience and contributes to the education of international specialists that will help to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. With the Joint Master programme she supervises, Karen Hattenbach joined the AGEP Network in 2015 and became Network Speaker in 2018.