DAAD Network Meeting 2019
The fast approaching summer means not only sunny days and vacation, but for most of AGEP students it is also time to plan their return to home countries. Among many questions and challenges the soon-to-be Masters and PhDs need to consider, the reintegration into the job market in their countries of residence is crucial. To inform the students about available opportunities and mechanisms for facilitating the smooth professional re-integration and further career development, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) hosted a Network Meeting in Bonn, 9-10 May, 2019. A 2-days workshop brought together course representatives from over 40 postgraduate programmes all over Germany. A friendly and participatory environment of the workshop encouraged exchange of ideas, experiences and practical tips, supported by informative presentations and informal discussions. We wish all AGEP students who graduate this year an easy transition into the next phase of their professional life.