Small Enterprise Promoting and Training (SEPT)
The two-year study programme focuses predominantly on economic issues ranging from support for small businesses coping with survival, to promoting innovative, dynamic enterprises that can deal with intelligent decision-making tools and methodologies.
Master in International and Development Economies (MIDE)
The Master’s in International and Development Economics (MIDE)is an 18-month, full-time programme in the Faculty of Economics.The course, which was first offered in 2003, begins in April each yearat the start of the summer semester.
MBA Programme International Management HfWU
This accredited MBA programme has two main objectives: graduates with a non-business background will get the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge in business administration, management and economics, as well gain necessary knowledge and understanding of international economic relations, intercultural issues and business language.
MBA Programme International Management ESB
The three-semester MBA programme in International Management offers wide-ranging, reality-based preparation for a career in international business.