7. December 2018 - 14:00
7. December 2018 - 15:45
You are kindly invited to attend a webinar on „Deforestation and REDD+ with examples from the Amazon region of Brazil“ organized by the Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products of Technische Universitaet Dresden on Friday, December 7th, 2:00:-3:45 pm Central European Time (CET).
In this Webinar the scientist Philip M. Fearnside from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA, Manaus will share his experience on the topic.
To join the webinar, take the following steps:
- Do a diagnostic test to see whether you have the required software and sufficient internet connection or download the free Adobe Connect software : - Connect with us in the webinar room any time before the start of the webinar to check if all settings work fine.
For any questions related the webinar or the guest speaker, please contact Prof. Dr. Gerald Kapp at Technische Universitaet Dresden, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products